Message from our school director

I was born in Slovakia, but thanks to my parents, career, and passion for traveling, I have spent most of my life abroad. I lived and worked in Asia, the USA, Europe, and the Middle East and visited many countries as a tourist. 

I love the diversity and creativity that the world offers and the mixture of various cultures. Speaking languages opened many doors for me and allowed me to socialize and sit at the table with my business partners and friends from multiple countries without feeling like a stranger. I truly loved my global friends, who would enrich me with their multicultural points of view. 

Speaking languages has always been essential for me, too, and I am a firm believer in the phrase: Kolik jazyků znáš, tolikrát jsi člověkem. (“The more languages you know, the more you are human.” or “As many languages you know, as many times you are a human being.”) – Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk, 1st Czechoslovak president.

Since I grew up outside of Slovakia, it was difficult for me to develop my own language in full depth and proficiency, but I did my best, of course, all this with the help and support of my parents. When my son was born abroad, I knew I needed to act fast and help him and his Slovak friends find an environment and platform to learn Slovak to the level he would have if living in our beautiful country. This was the first building block of opening the Slovak School in Cyprus and later online. Early after the Flamingos school opening, I realized that there are many kids in similar situations, which gave me the idea to offer our services across Europe and eventually globally.