How to develop natural motivation to learn Slovak

Natural motivation for language learning is essential, but how can we cultivate it in a child learning Slovak as a foreign language?

Are you living abroad long-term, where your children were likely born? Are you trying to gradually improve your children’s Slovak and keep them in good shape even far from home? Initially, when children are small and at home with their mother, they react positively and naturally to Slovak. However, once they enter the local foreign-language school system, the language of their environment and friends begins to prevail in their communication. Daily use of Slovak remains active, but their vocabulary starts to limit itself to everyday household words – what was in school, what we will eat, and where we will go over the weekend. The child begins to prefer reading books written in their school language. We realize that we need to increase the use of Slovak in everyday life, read more Slovak books, and attend Slovak classes in the afternoons or on weekends. But how can we naturally motivate our child to be interested in this? How can we prioritize Slovak over other exciting activities and clubs, such as sports and music?

Motivation is crucial when learning any foreign language. When a child is motivated, they are willing to invest their effort and time into learning Slovak. Here are a few methods to naturally increase motivation for learning Slovak in their leisure time:

1. Create natural connections to the real world

Help the child see the opportunities and benefits of mastering Slovak, even living in a place like London. Show them that language skills can open doors to new friendships, exciting travel possibilities, better career opportunities, and the chance to connect with their ancestral culture. Establishing a connection between the language and real-life situations is essential so the child can see the relevance and reasons for learning the language.

2. Create an active learning environment

Make learning Slovak active and fun. Utilize interactive games, videos, songs, stories, or language-learning apps specifically designed for children. Engage the child in various language activities, such as conversations, dramatic play, or group projects that allow them to apply their language skills in practice.

3. Set goals and rewards

Set clear goals with your child regarding their language development. Break down learning into manageable steps and celebrate each achievement. Rewarding accomplishments can provide the child with a sense of motivation. Rewards don’t always have to be material; they can also involve simple praise, shared activities, or opportunities to utilize their newfound language skills.

4. Support and interest

Show genuine interest and support in your child’s language learning journey. Listen to their progress, encourage them, and support them through difficulties. If the child feels supported and valued, they will have greater motivation to continue learning.

5. Create opportunities for language use

Enable the child to use Slovak in real-life situations and interactions. This can involve communicating with relatives or friends, visiting the library or community group that speaks Slovak, or utilizing online resources that allow them to engage with native speakers of Slovak.

Last but not least, it is imperative to consider the child’s individual needs and interests. Some children may be motivated by competitive activities, games, and challenges, while others may prefer creative and long-term projects. It is essential to find what works for each student and tailor your approach to their personality. This approach, of course, applies to all languages, not just Slovak. We wish you patience and determination, and success will surely come!