Flamingos School - Who are we

Flamingos is an online school of Slovak language and culture for foreigners and Slovak children living abroad.

We offer engaging interactive online classes led by qualified teachers for adults and children.

Our goal is to help Slovak parents living far from their homeland motivate their children to develop their Slovak language skills and learn about their Slovak heritage.

Our concept and methology

Children naturally love exploring and learning. And learning a language is more effective when children have fun discovering it! Our innovative live online school program uses tools and methods to make learning Slovak for children engaging and exciting. Students are divided into small working groups according to their age and language abilities.

Our curriculum has been specially developed in cooperation with language experts and professors from University of Matej Bel to meet the needs of children living in multilingual families. Whether you want your children to enrich their Slovak vocabulary, learn to read and write in Slovak, develop comprehensive skills, improve their grammar, learn about Slovak culture, geography and history, or simply have regular exposure to Slovak language, we are the right choice for you.

Why Flamingos?

Developing Slovak language skills

Platform for meeting and sharing language and experience among Slovaks living globally

Modern and interactive educational tools and methods

Interactive and engaging virtual working team

Discovering together Slovak heritage

Taylor made classes and methodology for multilingual children

Qualified and experienced team of teachers and advisors

Long-term experience with teaching Slovak as second language

Developing Slovak language skills

Platform for meeting and sharing language and experience among Slovaks living globally

Modern and interactive educational tools and methods

Interactive and engaging virtual working team

Discovering together Slovak heritage

Taylor made classes and methodology for multilingual children

Taylor made classes and methodology for multilingual children

Long-term experience with teaching Slovak as second language

Our philosophy

Flamingos are beautiful migrating birds that flourish through interaction with each other. Their fledglings are cared for not only by their parents but by all members of the community. It was therefore a natural concept to name our school “Flamingos.” Like flamingos, we partner with parents to nurture Slovak children and to promote and cultivate their learning and development.

The diversity of children from different geographical and cultural backgrounds with common Slovak roots brings a richness of experience and enthusiasm to our community, challenging us to find a niche in which every child may excel and be valued for their achievements.

Jana StupavskyJana Stupavsky
14:03 16 Dec 22
We are satisfied, but if I can suggest, for the future, bonus hours such as last Mikulášska, where there are significantly more children than in a regular class and the presented content is more for watching and listening, and not for intensive interaction with the children, it would be good if all participating children had their microphones turned off. With a large group of children, when everyone had some background noise, it was quite difficult to hear what the teachers were saying and the children could not concentrate due to the noise. And while we're at Santa Claus, my child very aptly (and disappointedly) pointed out that your Santa Claus was actually the same as Santa Claus, because he didn't have a high Santa Claus (bishop's) miter but a classic Santa hat with a ball. So our year-long effort to explain that Santa Claus is actually something completely different from Santa fell apart in an instant. Maybe next time -))
Jana StupavskyJana Stupavsky
14:03 16 Dec 22
Sme spokojní, ale ak možem navrhnúť, pre budúcnosť, bonusové hodiny ako napr. posledná Mikulášska, kde je detí podstatne viac ako na bežnej hodine a prezentovaný obsah je skôr na pozeranie a počúvanie, a nie na intenzívnu interakciu s deťmi, bolo by dobré aby všetky zúčastnené deti mali vypnutý mikrofón. Pri veľkej skupine detí, keď každý mal nejaký “background noise” bolo dosť náročné počuť čo hovoria učiteľky a deti sa pri tom hluku nemohli sústrediť. A už keď sme pri Mikulášovi, moje dieťa veľmi trefne (a sklamane) poukázalo na to, že Váš Mikuláš bol vlastne taký istý ako Santa Claus, lebo nemal vysokú Mikulášsku (biskupskú) mitru ale klasickú santovskú čiapku s bombuľou. Čiže naše celoročné snaženie sa o vysvetľovanie že Mikuláš je vlastne niečo úplne iné ako Santa sa v okamihu rozpadlo. Možno nabudúce -))
Beata BBeata B
12:16 08 Dec 22
We noticed very significant progress in both of our children after the first 3-4 months, they enriched their vocabulary, started reading and are 'curious'. It is not always easy to maintain written Slovak while living abroad. However, things go BETTER with Flamingos AND MAINLY IT'S MORE FUN 🤓😉
Beata BBeata B
12:16 08 Dec 22
Veľmi výrazný pokrok sme zaznamenali u oboch našich detí po prvých 3-4 mesiacoch, obohatili si slovnú zásobu, začali čítať a sú ‘zvedaví’. Nie je to vždy jednoduché udržať spisovnú slovenčinu žijúc v zahraničí. S Flamingos to však ide LEPŠIE A HLAVNE JE TO ZÁBAVNEJŠIE 🤓😉
Excellent school, wonderful teachers and classes full of fun..... My personal opinion, since I have a child, a complete beginner, is that in 3 months with you he learned a few new words and he himself is very much looking forward to this school... YOU ARE AMAZING, I wish you many successes and events
Výborná škola, úžasné Pani učiteľky a hodiny plné zábavy..... Môj osobný názor keďže mám dieťa,, úplného začiatočníka,, je že za 3 mesiace s Vami sa naučil pár nových slovíčok a sám sa na túto školu moc teší.... STE ÚŽASNÝ veľa úspechov a podujatí Vám prajem
Both children go to Flamingos online school, son in 3rd year and daughter in 2nd year. We are extremely satisfied. Friendly approach, modern form of education, homework as a game. A big plus for us is that children have the chance to meet other Slovaks/semi-Slovaks abroad in the online world. For me, it's a perfect way to get in touch with Slovak and Slovak culture and improve your language skills in a very accessible way. We thank you!
Do online Flamingos skoly chodia obe deti, syn 3.rok a dcera 2. rok. Sme nanajvys spokojni. Priatelsky pristup, moderna forma vzdelavania, domace ulohy hrou. Velkym plus je pre nas aj to, ze deti maju v online svete sancu spoznat aj inych Slovakov/polo-Slovakov v zahranici. Za mna perfektny sposob, ako zostavat v styku so slovencinou a slovenskou kulturou a velmi pristupnou formou sa zlepsovat v jazyku. Dakujeme!
12:14 05 Dec 22
I recommend Flamingos Slovak School to all parents who want their children to improve in Slovak thanks to the wonderful teachers and great organization. We thank you.
12:14 05 Dec 22
Flamingos Slovak School odporucam vsetkym rodicom, ktory chcu aby sa ich deti zdokonalili v slovencine vdaka uzasnym ucitelom a skvelej organizacii. Dakujeme.